We Are The Millers : Movie Review

I’m a bit late on this review, but I’m having a hard time finding time to not only go to the movies these days, but write a review too. So – We Are The Millers – I went in thinking nothing but it is going to be funny. Hoping that it wouldn’t be one of those movies that put all the funny bits into the trailer.

It had a relatively stupid yet ironically cleaver premise and I wasn’t sure how it would play out. First, what an odd group of actors. It definitely worked and as you can see in the bloopers they all seemed to have great chemistry naturally and not need to force it onto the screen. Favorite Blooper – Jennifer Aniston in the RV when they sing the Friend’s Theme Song – PRICELESS. Anyways, back to the movie. The twists and turns in a quite hilarious but “serious” manner were great, I mean I already knew that he was being set up, but that dramatic irony added to the humor. I’m not saying it was an AMAZING movie, nor am I saying it is the FUNNIEST movie ever. It just was good and funny – a perfect movie for an easy night and a couple great laughs and awkward moments. No matter how many times I see it, I probably will still laugh at the pictionary scene… it was a skateboard.


Entertainment Factor: 8.5/10

Acting Quality: 7.5/10

Plot: 7/10

Overall: 7.5/10

One thought on “We Are The Millers : Movie Review

  1. Pingback: Movie Monday – EPIC, We’re the Millers | The Journey of Two

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